The online policy management tool CofaNet is now available on Smartphone for Coface Clients.
With CofaMove, credit managers can follow their covered risks anywhere and sales forces are provided with credit management guidance.
This app is designed for credit managers as well as commercial sales.
What can you do with this app?
- Identify your (potential) buyers
- Locate your buyers worldwide
- View their company details, including their DRA (Debtor Risk Assessment)
- Check your existing cover
- Order, modify, and cancel cover
Manajemen kebijakan secara online tool CofaNet sekarang tersedia di Smartphone untuk Coface Klien.
Dengan CofaMove, manajer kredit dapat mengikuti risiko tertutup mereka di mana saja dan kekuatan penjualan disediakan dengan bimbingan manajemen kredit.
Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk manajer kredit serta penjualan komersial.
Apa yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan aplikasi ini?
- Identifikasi (potensi) pembeli Anda
- Cari pembeli Anda di seluruh dunia
- Lihat rincian perusahaan mereka, termasuk DRA mereka (Debitur Risk Assessment)
- Periksa
penutup yang ada
- Order, memodifikasi, dan membatalkan penutup
The online policy management tool CofaNet is now available on Smartphone for Coface Clients.
With CofaMove, credit managers can follow their covered risks anywhere and sales forces are provided with credit management guidance.
This app is designed for credit managers as well as commercial sales.
What can you do with this app?
- Identify your (potential) buyers
- Locate your buyers worldwide
- View their company details, including their DRA (Debtor Risk Assessment)
- Check your existing cover
- Order, modify, and cancel cover